미국 국립공원 2위 - 그랜드 캐년 (Grand Canyon)
그랜드 케년 (Grand Canyon)
▶ STATE : Arizona
▶ WHY GO : Enjoy rim-side views, inner canyon trails, and rafting the Colorado.
▶ HIGH SEASON : June-Sept.
▶ FEE : $35
▶ 방문객 순위 : 2위
▶ 위치한 곳 : 아리조나주
▶ 방문목적 : 풍경관광, 협곡 트레일, 콜로라도 래프팅
▶ 성수기 : 6월~9월
▶ 입장료 : 35달러
Point of Grand Canyon
278 miles / 5 hours
From Mesa Verde, aim for the South Rim of Grand Canyon. Enter the park at the east entrance to stop at Desert View Watchtower and Grandview Point for your first views of the immense canyon before driving to Grand Canyon Village and touring the visitors center. Catch the sunset from Yavapai Point and spend the night at EI Tovar or the Bright Angel Lodge. In the morning, take the shuttle to Hermit's Rest and walk the rim between two viewpoints on the return before driving from Grand Canyon back to Las Vegas (280mi, 4.5hrs.)
메사 버드에서 그랜드캐년 사우스 림(South Rim)을 목표로 출발해라. 그랜드캐년 협곡을 향해 출발해 방문객센터에 들리기 전, 평생 당신의 기억에 남을 거대한 캐년의 첫 장면을 위해 데저트 뷰 워치타워(Desert View Watchtower)와 그랜드뷰 포인트(Grandview Point)가 있는 동쪽 입구에 있는 공원으로 가라. 야바파이 포인트(Yavapai Point)에서 일몰을 보고, 엘 토바르(El Tovar) 혹은 브라이트 엔젤 로지(Bright Angle Lodge)에서 밤을 보낸다. 아침에 셔틀버스를 타고 헤르미츠 레스트(Hermit's Rest)로 이동 한뒤 돌아오는 길에 두 전망대(viewpoint) 사이에 있는 협곡을 지나 라스베가스로 돌아가도록 한다. (280마일, 4.5시간)
Entrances and Fees
The entrance fee is $35 per vehicle ($30 motorcycle, $20 individual) and is good for seven days to both the North and South Rims. There are two entrances on the South Rim and one on the North Rim. It is a five-hour drive (220 mile) between the South Rim and the North Rim.
▶ South Rim
South Rim entrances are open daily year-round, 24 hours per day. From Williams, visitors drive 60 miles along Route 64 to the South Entrance Station. This is the busiest entrance in the park and may have long lines midday, The south entrances offers the closest access to the South Rim's Grand Canyon Village.
The less crowded East Entrances Station is accessed from U.S 89 at Cameron (on the Navajo Reservation). Here, Route 64 heads west for a leisurely 25 miles to Grand Canyon Village. 1
▶ North Rim
The North Entrance Station (May15-Oct.15) is the sole entrance to the North Rim. It is reached from Highway 67 south of Jacob Lake, close to the Utah border. 2
입장료는 차량 1대당 35달러이다. (오토바이 30달러, 개인 20달러) 그리고 이것으로 사우스림, 노스림 모두 7일간 유효하다. 사우스림에는 두개의 출입구가 있고 노스림에는 한개의 출입구가 있다. 사우스림과 노스림 사이는 5시간 주행거리이다. (220마일)
사우스림 출입구는 연중무효로 24시간 개방된다. 방문객들은 64번 도로를 따라 60마일 운전하면 된다. 이곳은 공원에서 가장 붐비는 출입구로 한 낮에는 길게 줄을 설 수도 있는데, 남쪽 출입구는 사우스 림의 그랜드 캐년 빌리지에 가장 가까이 있다. 덜 붐비는 동쪽 출입구는 89번지 카메론에서 올 수 있다. 여기서 64번 도로는 서쪽을 향하는데, 그랜드캐년 마을로 가는 여유있는 25마일의 길이다.
북쪽 출입구는 노스림의 유일한 출입구이다. 그것은 유타(Utah) 지역 가까이에 있는 자코호수(Jacob Lake) 남쪽 67번 고속도로로 이른다.
Visitor Centers
▶ South Rim
The South Rim has two visitors centers. Grand Canyon Visitor Center (Grand Canyon Village, 9am-6pm daily) is the park's main welcome and information center. The visitors center's theater screens a 20-minute orientation film about the canyon.
The Desert View Visitor Center (9am-5pm daily) sits on Desert View Point about 25 miles east of Grand Canyon Village. This is the stop for those entering the park from the east entrance. Both visitors centers have bookstores, information, maps, and brochures. 3Ranger programs change 4seasonally. Kids can also participate in the educational Junior Ranger Program. 5
South Rim also has two other information stations
The Verkamp's Vistior Center (Grand Canyon Village, 8am-5pm daily, hours vary seasonally) has an information desk and park exhibits in addition to crafts and park souvenirs. 6
Canyon View Information Plaza (9am-5pm daily), near Mather Point, has outdoor displays on the history of the canyon.
▶ North Rim
The North Rim Visitor Center (8am-6pm daily May 15-Oct.15) is located near Grand Canyon Lodge and Bright Angel Point. Stop here for park maps, brochures, and exhibits on North Rim science and rangers offer a full program of talks and guided hikes.
▶ South Rim
The South Rim is the most developed portion of Grand Canyon National Park. It is home to Grand Canyon Village Historical Districs, a small assemblage of hotels, restaurants, gift shops, and lookouts that offer some of the best viewpoints of the canyon. You can also see some of Arizona's most 7evocative buildings, all them National Historic Landmarks. 8
The South Rim Road has 19 named viewpoints, from the eastern Desert View to the western Hermit's Rest. The best and easiest way to see the canyon viewpoints is to park your car and take the park's free shuttle or walk along the Rim Trail.
1. Mather Point
Mather point is named for the first National Park Service director, Stephen T. Mather. Walking out onto the two railed-off rocks will make you feel like you're hovering on the edge of the canyon's abyss. The point can get busy, especially in the summer. Leave your car at the large parking area and walk along the Rim Trail west to Yavapai Point and the Geology Museum, the best place to learn about the canyon's geology.
2. Yavapai Point and Geology Museum
First opened in 1928. Yavapai Point and Geology Museum(8am-6pm daily winter, 8am-8pm summer, free) is a limestone-and pine museum designed by architect Herbert Maier. The site for the stacked-stone structure was hand-picked by canyon geologists as best for viewing the various strata 9. Inside are displays about canyon geology and a huge topographic relief map of the canyon. 10
3. Hopi House
Designed by architect Mary Colter, the 1905 Hopi House (928/638-2631, 8am-5pm daily, hours vary seasonally) used Hopi workers and local materials to build what is now a gift shop and Native American arts museum. The Harvey Company even hired the famous Hopi-Tewa potter Nampeyo to live here with her family while demonstration tourists. This is on of the best places in the region for viewing and buying Hopi, Navajo, and Pueblo art (though most of the art is quite expensive) and even items made by Nampeyo's descendants are on view and for sale here.
4. El Tovar Hotel
El Tovar was the South Rim's first great hotel. Designed in 1905 by Charles Whittlesey for the Santa Fe Railroad, El Tovar has the look of a Swiss chalet and a long-house interior, watched over by the wall-hung heads of elk and buffalo ; it is at once rustic, 11cozy, and 12elegant. This Harvey Company jewel has hosted dozens of rich and famous canyon visitors over the years, including George Bernard Shaw and presidents Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Inside you'll find two gift shops, a cozy lounge, and El Tovar's restaurant, the best in the park. 13
5. Bright Angel Lodge
Off the lobby of the rustic Bright Angel Lodge is a small History Room (7am-10pm daily) with fascinating exhibits about Fred Harvey, architect Mary Colter, and the early years of southwestern tourism. You'll see Colter's "geologic fireplace", a 10-foot-high re-creation of the canyon's varied strata. The stones were collected from the inner canyon by a geologist and then loaded on the backs of mules for the journey out. The fireplace's strata appear exactly like those stacked throughout the canyon walls, equaling a couple of billion years of earth-building from bottom to rim. The lodge includes a collection of small cabins just to the west of the main building. The cabin closest to the rim was once the home of Bucky O'Neill, an early canyon resident and prospector who died while fighting with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Rider in Cuba. 14
6. Lookout Studio
Mary Colter designed the Lookout Studio (9am-5pm daily), a little stacked-stone watchhouse of the rim. The stone patio jutting out over the canyon is a popular place for photos and canyon gazing. Built in 1914 to provide a comfortable but "indigenous" building, the lookout now contains a store selling books and souvenirs. 15
7. Kolb Studio
Built in 1904 right on the canyon's rim, Kolb Studio (8am-7pm daily) was the home and studio of the famous Kolb Brothers, pioneer canyon photographers, moviemakers, river rafters, and entrepreneurs. Inside are a gift shop, gallery, and display about the brothers, who in 1912 rode the length of the Colorado in a boat with a movie camera rolling.
8. Hermit's Rest
Hop on and off the park's free shuttle bus (5am-sunset daily Mar.-Nov.) to tour the seven scenic miles along Hermit Road, from Grand Canyon Village to Hermit's Rest. Along the way, epic vistas await.
* Trailview Overlook is the first stop, with views of bright Angel Trail twisting down into the canyon and across the plateau to overlook the Colorado River. 16
* Maricopa Point provides a vast, mostly unobstructed view of the canyon all the way to the river. To the west, look for the rusted remains of the Orphan Mine. 17
* Powell point holds a memorial to explorer and writer John Wesley Powell, who led the first and second river expeditions through the canyon in 1869 and 1871. The point is a good spot for sunset views.
* Hopi Point offers sweeping views of the western canyon, It is the most popular viewing point for sunsets. North across the canyon is Isis Temple and the Temple of Osiris.
* Mohave Point peers down into the Colorado River. Also visible are the 3,000-foot red and green cliffs named The Abyss. Below the viewpoint you can see the red-rock mesa called the Alligator.
* Pima Point is the last viewpoint, with wide-open views toe the west and the east.
* The final stop on the Hermit Road is the enchanting rest house called Hermit's Rest (9am-5pm daily, hours vary seasonally). Inside the low-slung stone cabin, a huge, yawning fireplace dominates the warm, rustic front room, outfitted with a few chairs and a Navajo blanker or two splashing color against the gray stone. Outside, the views of the canyon and down the Hermit's Trail are spectacular. 18
9. Tusayan Museum and Ruin
The Tusayan Museum (9am-5pm daily, free) has a small exhibit on the canyon's early human settlers. Find the museum 3 miles west of Desert View and 22 miles east of Grand Canyon Village, located near an 800-year-old Ancestral Puebloan ruin with a self-guided trail and regularly scheduled ranger walks.
▶ North Rim
It's all about the scenery here at 8,000 feet on the North Rim. The often-misty canyon and thick, old-growth forest along its rim command attention. Stop at three developed viewpoints, each offering a slightly different look at the canyon.
Bright Angel Point looks over Bright Angel Canyon with a view of Roaring Spring, the source of bright angel Creek and fresh water for the North Rim and inner canyon, At 8,803 feet, Point Imperial is the highest point on the North Rim with the best all-around view of the canyon. Cape Royal, a 23 miles on-way drive across the Walhalla Plateau, looks toward the South Rim.
1. Grand Canyon Lodge
Perched on the edge of the north rim, Grand Canyon Lodge (www. grandcanyonforever.com) is a rustic log-and stone structure built in 1927-1928. Its warm Sum Room frames the canyon through huge picture windows. At sunset, head out to the back patio to watch the sun sink over the canyon. Right near the door leading out to the patio is sculptor peter Jepson's charming life-size bronze of Brighty, a famous canyon burro and star of the 1953 children's book Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry.
The is arid country. Avoid hiking midday(10am-4pm) and carry at least on gallon of water per person. All canyon trails descend - which means it will take twice as long to climb back up. Hiking to the canyon bottom and back in one day is not possible nor advised.
▶ South Rim
1. South Kaibab Trail
Steep and shadeless but relatively short, the South Kaibab Trail has fewer crowds plus the possility of spotting bighorn sheep, deer, and California condors. Ooh Ash Point (1.8mi. rt.,1-2 hrs.) has great views of the canyon from steep switchbacks. Cedar Ridge (3 mi. rt.,2-4 hrs.) grabs views of O'Neill Butte and Vishnu Temple. Skeleton Point (6mi. rt.,4-6 hrs.), with views of the Colorado River, is as far as you can go in one day. The trailhead is located east of the village near Yaki Point; take the shuttle bus on the Kaibab Trail Route.
2. Hermit Trail
The moderate Hermit Trail (6.2mi. rt.,3-4 hrs.)leads to some less visited areas of the canyon. The section to the secluded, green Dripping Springs is one of the best day hikes in the canyon for mid-level to expert hikers. Start on the Hermit Trail's steep, rocky, almost stair-like switchbacks; look for the Dripping Springs Trailhead after about 1.5 miles. Veer left and follow the trail along a ridgeline across Hermit Basin; the unobstructed views are awe-inspiring. In about on mile, reach the junction with the Boucher Trail and continue west for 0.5 mile up a side canyon to Dripping Springs, a shock of fernlike greenery off a rock overhang with spring water trickling into a small collection pool. The hike back up is punishing, and there's no water on the trail.
3. Rim Trail
The Rim Trail (12.8mi. on-way, 5-7 hrs.) is the best way to see the South Rim. The mostly paved trail runs from the South Kaibab trailhead and through Grand Canyon Village, ending at Hermit's Rest. It hits major sights and overlooks along the way.
With 16 shuttle stops, you can hop on and off the trail at your pleasure. Past the Bright Angel Trailhead, the path becomes a dirt single-track between Powell point and Monument Creek Vista. Walk to Yavapai Point (2mi. on-way, 1hr) for stunning views of the canyon from the Yavapai Observation Station. The stretch from Grand Canyon Village To Hopi Point (2.2mi. one-way, 1hr) is best at sunset.
4. Bright Angel Trail [가장 인기 있는 트레일]
The Bright Angel Trail is the most popular trail into the Grand Canyon. Many visitors walk a short stretch down Bright Angel just to get a feeling of what It's below the rim. Hiking down, you quickly leave behind the crowded rim and enter a sharp, arid landscape, twisting down switchbacks on a path that is sometimes rocky underfoot. The trail is steep and it doesn't take long for the rim to look very far away and those rim-top people to look like scurrying ants.
The hike to Mile-and-a-Half Resthouse (3 mi. rt., 2-4 hrs.) offers a good introduction to the steep, twisting trail. A little farther on is Three-Mile Resthouse (6mi. rt., 4-6 hrs.). Both rest houses have water(available seasonally). A rater punishing day hike, beautiful Indian Garden (9mi. rt.,6-9 hrs.) ids a cool, green oasis in the arid inner canyon. Due to heat, this route is not recommended in the summer.
[Brigh Angel Trail map]
* Distance : 1.54-9.5 miles round-trip
* Elevation Gain : 3,060 feet 20
* Effort :moderate to difficult 21
* Trailhead : Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim
* 거리 : 왕복 2.4Km - 15.2Km
* 소요시간 : 2-9시간
* 해발높이 : 0.93 Km
* 난이도 : 중간
* 출발점 : 사우스 림에 있는 그랜드캐년 빌리지
▶ North Rim
It's cool on the high, forested North Rim, making hiking in summer less of a chore. There are a few easy rim trails, including the Transept Trail (4mi. rt. ,2hrs.), which travels through forest from the Grand Canyon Lodge to the Campground and provides a good introduction to the North Rim.
1. Uncle Jim Trail
The easy Uncle Jim Trail (5mi. rt.,2.5hrs.) winds through old stands of spruce and fir, sprinkled with quaking aspen, to Uncle Jim Point, where you can let out your best roar into the canyon known as Roaring Springs.
2. Widforss Trail
The easy and mostly flat Widforss Trail (10mi. rt., 5 hrs.) leads along the Transept Canyon through ponderosa pine, fir, and spruce, with a few stands of aspen mixed in, to Widforss point, where you can stare across the great chasm and rest before heading back. For a shorter interpretive hike, follow the first half of the trail using the guide available at the visitors center.
3. North Kaibab Trail
The difficult North Kaibab Trail is the only North Rim route into the inner canyon and the Colorado River. A short jog down to Coconino Overlook (1.4mi. rt., 1-2 hrs.) offers views of the San Francisco Peaks and the South Rim. Lower destinations include Supai Tunnel (4mi. rt., 3-4 hrs.), which was blasted out of the rock in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, and Redwall Bridge (5.2 mi. rt.,4-6 hrs.), which was built in 1966 after a flood.
Strong hikers can descend the North Kaibab to Roaring Springs (9.4mi. rt., 6-8hrs.). The springs fall headlong out of the cliff to spray mist and rainbows into the hot air. Star your hike early and bring plenty of water. The 3,000foot climb back of the canyon is difficult. In summer, there is water at the trailhead, Supai Tunnel, and Roaring Springs.
The North Kaibab Trailhead is a few miles north of Grand canyon Lodge. Take the hiker's shuttle (5:30 am and 6am daily, $7)from the lodge. Purchase tickets 24 hours in advance.
Where to Stay
▶ South Rim
1. Trailer Village
- Price : $45
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : RV sites
* Canyon Village Marker (8am-7pm daily, hours vary seasonally) : sells groceries, camping supplies, and deli foods.
2. Bright Angel Lodge
- Price : $95~217
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : hiker rooms, hotel rooms, cabins, dining
* lodge rooms : one bed, no TV
* hiker rooms : refrigerator, share showers
* cabins : private baths, TVs, sitting room
* Restaurant (Arizona Room : 928/638-2631) : 11:30 am~3pm, 4:30pm~10pm
3. Maswik Lodge
- Price : $215
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : motel rooms, cabins, dining
* 303/297-2757, www.grandcanyonlodges.com
* motel rooms : TVs, private baths, refrigerators
* Maswik Food Court(928/638-2631) : 6am-10an
4. Yavapai Lodge
- Price : $150~185
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : motel rooms, dining
* motel rooms : air-conditioning refrigerators, TVs, West Section has no air-conditioning but is pet-friendly.
* restaurant : 6am-10pm
5. Kachina Lodge
- Price : $225~243
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : motel rooms
* basic rooms : TVs, safes, private baths, refrigerators.
6. Thunderbird Lodge
- Price : $225~243
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : motel rooms
* basic rooms : TVs, safes, private baths, refrigerators.
7. El Tovar
- Price : $217~351
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : hotel rooms, dining
* Restaurant (928/6387-263) : 06:30 am-11am 11:30an-2pm, 5pm-10pm
▶ North Rim
1. Grand Canyon Lodge
- Price : $135~205
- Season : May 15-Oct. 15
- Amenities : cabins, motel rooms, dining
* 928/638-2611 or 888/297-2575 , www.grandcanyonforever.com
* the only motel on the North Rim
* private bathrooms, some have gas fireplaces.
* dining rooms (06:30am-10am, 11:30am-2:30pm, 4:30pm-9:30pm)
▶ Inner Canyon
1. Phantorm Ranch
- Price : $ 51~149
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : hike-in dorms, cabins, food
* 888/297-2757, www.grandcanyonlodges.com
* dorms : $51, cabin : $149
* restrooms with showers.
* Reservations are on a lottery system (www. grandcanyonlodges.com/lodging/phantom-ranch/lottery), Lottery reservation begin 15 months in advance.
▶ Camping
1. Mather Campground
- Price : $ 18
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : tent sites
- Location : South Rim
* (877-444-6777, www.recreation.gov)
* coin-operated showers and laundry
* The village is a 15-minute walk and a shuttle stop is nearby
* Reservations are accepted March-mid-November for up to six months in advance.
2. Desert View Campground
- Price : $ 12
- Season : May-mid-Oct
- Amenities : tent sites
- Location : East Rim
3. North Rim Campground
- Price : $ 18~25
- Season : year-round
- Amenities : tent sites
- Location : North Rim
* (877/444-6777, www. recreation.gov)
- leisurely [ˈliːʒərli] 한가한, 여유로운, 느긋한 [본문으로]
- border [ˈbɔːrd-] 1, 국경(지역) 2. (사진옷감 등의) 가장자리 3. (꽃을 심어 놓은) 잔디밭 둘레 / (국경경계를) 접하다. 가장자리를 이루다. [본문으로]
- brochure [broʊˈʃʊr] : (안내,광고용) 책자 [본문으로]
- Ranger [ˈreɪndʒə(r)] 1. 공원[산림/자연] 관리원 2. 레인저(기습공격대원) [본문으로]
- seasonally : 계절따라, 정기적으로 [본문으로]
- souvenir [suːvənɪr] (휴가지등에서 사는) 기념품 [본문으로]
- assemblage [əˈsemblɪdʒ] : 집합(체), 모임 [본문으로]
- evocative [ɪˈvɒkətɪv] ~좋은생각[기억]으 ㄹ떠올리게 하는, ~을 환기시키는 [본문으로]
- strata : stratum의 복수 / stratum[ˈstreɪtəm] 1.(암석등의) 층, 지층, 단층 2. (사회)계층 [본문으로]
- topographic : 지형의 / topography [təˈpɒɡrəfi] 지형,지형학 [본문으로]
- rustic [ˈrʌstɪk] 1. 시골[시골사람들] 특유의, 소박한 2. 통나무로 간소하게 만든, 투박한 [본문으로]
- cozy =cosy : 아늑한, 친밀한 [본문으로]
- elegant [ˈelɪɡənt] 1. 우아한 2.품격있는 [본문으로]
- fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] 대단히 흥미로운, 매력적인 [본문으로]
- watchhouse : 감시소, 초소 [본문으로]
- plateau [plæˈtoʊ] 1. 고원 2. 안정기 [본문으로]
- unobstructed [ʌ̀nəbstrʌ́ktid] 방해받지 않은, 가로막는 것이 없는 [본문으로]
- enchanting [ɪnˈtʃɑːntɪŋ] 황홀케하는, 고혹적인 [본문으로]
- Duration : 1. 지속 2 (지속되는)시간 [본문으로]
- Elevation [ˌelɪˈveɪʃn] 1. 승진,승격 2. 해발높이, 고도 3.(건물의)입면도 4. (정도,양의) 증가 [본문으로]
- moderate [ˈmɒdərət; 美 ˈmɑːd-] 1. 보통의, 중간의 2. 적당한, 적정한 [본문으로]
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미국 국립공원 1위 - 그레이트 스모키 산맥 (Great Smoky Mountains) (0) | 2019.03.05 |